An interactive and energizing way to apply your thinking skills to DNA and our adaptive immune system’s quest to defeat Covid viruses.
What’s included
KC Returns! II App
Immune System (COVID)
Learn about dendritic cells, T-cells, and B-cells that work together in battling viruses.
Discover DNA
Explore DNA to analyze and identify atoms, molecules, and bonds. Click, zoom, discover.
Odyssey Legacy
Games with a purpose, exercising your thinking skills, since 1978. Find the KC Easter egg, travel back in time, and play the original KC’s Krazy Chase.
Generally you want education to be as close to a video game as possible… If you can make it interactive and engaging, then you can make education far more compelling and easier to do.
Our adaptive immune system stands ready to defend us and defeat all invaders. Each type of immune cell has a unique and critical role in our defense. Gain clarity of those roles and the purpose they have in our defense.
Zoom through and around a section of DNA exploring atoms, molecules, and bonds as you go. Details and more information are a click away. Remember what you see and learn, it will be needed later in games.
Step back in time to the dawn of video games. The original KC’s Krazy Chase has been recreated to run on current technology by the original designer and creator, Ed Averett.
Battle Covid viruses with our Adaptive Immune System’s warriors: B, T, and Dendritic cells. Explore and learn about DNA. Find Easter Eggs to help battle Covid and others just for fun, such as KC’s Krazy Chase.